The wait is over! Historic 3 Gun is a bonafide organization introducing an exciting new shooting sport to the action shooting world.
To join, first fill out and submit the form at New Membership Registration, then go
to Buy Membership to pay.
To see those who had the vision to start H3G, go to Leadership on the drop-down
While our focus is on the 1911 and pump shotgun, see all the other exciting firearms
you may use by clicking on Divisions.
Thank you for supporting H3G.WILD BUNCH SHOOTERS: You can shoot Wild Bunch rules in H3G. Come out and join us. Have some fun and great practice.
Questions: Send an email to members@historic3gun.com
Some of our tenets
A pillar of our organization is education. As students of history ,we take pleasure in transporting ourselves and the shooting community back in time to the early 1900’s of the American southwest. A pivotal time in America where horses were being replaced by the automobile. Borders alive with unrest. Bandits raiding towns and ranches. Just a short time later bootleggers were establishing trade between a wet Mexico and a dry United States. We utilize from this era many of our shooting scenarios reflecting actual events from this time frame. H3G is a 3 gun sport that is based on the use of historic type firearms. Iron sights are utilized. The targets are steel of various sizes and plenty of them are reactionary. Dueling trees, plate racks, auto resets along with static steel play a roll in the dynamic sport of H3G. We base our time frame around 1915 and dress accordingly with a lot of competitors using military inspired dress of that era. This sport is true to 3 gun with high round counts and movement on every stage. Our rule set is based on USPSA. Our philosophy is we shoot more than we move. No track shoes allowed or needed! Please look around our H3G website and feel free to contact us for more info or questions.

An overview of firearms used.
Learn about the divisions at a Historic 3 Gun match.
Local Clubs
Get information about local clubs with Historic 3 Gun matches.
Information about required ammunition types.
Calendar of Events
Upcoming events.
Videos detailing the safety of the sport.
Videos of Historic 3 Gun action.
Seasoned competitors sharing information
to help other shooters succeed in different
divisions of H3G
Speciality Matches
Different side matches.